We Would Love To Meet You!


If you live in the Mobile area or are passing by, we hope you will come join us as we worship God. We are simply Christians trying to follow what the Bible teaches. Please feel free to participate in any or all of our worship to the Lord.

712 Shelton Beach Road
Saraland, AL, 36571

Join Us!


Sunday Services
Bible Study: 9:00 am
Assembly: 10:00 am & 5:00 pm

Wednesday Services
Bible Study: 6:30 pm

Worshipping God


We practice simple New Testament Christianity where God is the focus of our admiration. “The nations will praise you forever” (Psalm 45:17)

Helping The Hurting


Jesus offers “rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29). Our aim is to encourage, edify, and build up by speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).

Following Christ

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We want to grow closer to what God has created us to be. Would you like to join us?