Standing Together (Philippians 4:1-3)

Have you ever watched a tug-of-war? At first, everyone pulls together, feet planted, backs straining, working as one. But the moment someone loses their grip or stops pulling, the line wobbles, and the whole team starts to slide. It doesn’t take much—a loss of focus, a moment of weakness, one person losing their footing—and suddenly, the ground is slipping away. One person falling puts enormous weight on the group as a whole.

That’s where Paul steps in. In Philippians 4:1-3, he calls the church to stand firm in the Lord and to pursue unity in the Lord. He knows that holding our ground isn’t just an individual effort—it’s something we do together. And the strength to stand doesn’t come from us—it comes from Christ.

Standing Firm in the Lord Requires a Mindset Rooted in Him (1)

Philippians 4:1 (ESV) — 1 Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved.

Life keeps pulling us in a hundred directions. We’re trying to live faithfully, to stay focused on what matters, but issues keep popping up—troubles at work, tensions at home, or just the noise of everyday life. It’s easy to lose our footing when so much feels uncertain. And for some, it’s not just life’s issues—it’s the conflict within the church, a strain in relationships, or divisions that weigh us down. For others it’s temptations and desires that come from those inside.

Paul knows this, which is why he writes these words. The command is straightforward: “stand firm.” Hold your ground. Don’t waver. But Paul isn’t just telling us to grit our teeth and try harder. No—he says, “Stand firm in the Lord.” The ground you’re standing on matters. If you’re standing on your own strength, your opinions, or your emotions, you’re going to get knocked over. If you’re standing on Christ—on His strength, His promises, and His victory—nothing can move you.

And the same is true for us. Standing firm in the Lord starts with having the right mindset. It means rooting your thoughts, your perspective, and your confidence in who Jesus is and what He’s done.

Think about what happens when we lose that focus. When we fix our eyes on circumstances—on frustrations, conflicts, or uncertainties—we start to feel like the ground beneath us is shifting. We get discouraged. We get defensive. We lose sight of who we are in Christ.

Notice Paul’s tone here. He’s not barking orders; he’s pleading as someone who deeply loves them. He calls them his “joy and crown.” Think about that. Their faithfulness brings him joy because it shows that God’s work in them is real. Their perseverance is like a crown of victory that reflects Christ’s power and Paul’s gospel labor. He’s saying, “I love you too much to see you waver. I long for you to stand strong.”

But when we stand firm in the Lord, everything changes. Suddenly, the struggles that once felt overwhelming are put in their proper place. You remember that your hope isn’t here—it’s in heaven. You remember that Jesus is coming, and His promises are sure. You remember that you’re not standing alone—He is with you.

So let me ask you: What are you standing on today? Is your mindset rooted in Christ, or have you allowed your circumstances, your pride, or your fears to take His place? Paul is calling us back to the foundation that will never move: Jesus.

This is where standing firm begins—not with your own strength, but with a mindset rooted in Him. Because when you plant your feet on Christ, you’ll find a confidence and stability that nothing in this world can shake.

Agreeing in the Lord is the Path to Reconciling Differences (2-3)

Philippians 4:2–3 (ESV) — 2 I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche to agree in the Lord. 3 Yes, I ask you also, true companion, help these women, who have labored side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.

If standing firm in the Lord begins with the right mindset, then what happens when that mindset gets tested? What happens when you’re trying to hold your ground, but there’s tension between you and someone else in the church? You’re supposed to be on the same team—standing firm together—and yet you find yourselves at odds.

That’s exactly the situation Paul addresses in Philippians 4:2-3. It’s important to notice what’s happening here. These two women, Euodia and Syntyche, aren’t enemies of the gospel. They aren’t outsiders causing trouble. Paul says they “labored side by side” with him. These are mature believers, faithful workers in the church. And yet—they’re in conflict.

Now, Paul doesn’t tell us what the disagreement was about, and honestly, it doesn’t matter. What matters is how they respond to it. Paul doesn’t take sides. He doesn’t say, “Euodia, you need to give in,” or, “Syntyche, you’re wrong.” Instead, he pleads with both of them: “Agree in the Lord.”

Here’s the key: Paul isn’t asking them to agree on everything. He’s asking them to come back to their common ground—the Lord. To agree in the Lord means choosing to see the other person through the lens of Christ. It means remembering that what unites us in Jesus is far greater than anything that might divide us.

But agreeing in the Lord isn’t passive. It’s not pretending the conflict doesn’t exist. Paul calls on a “true companion”—likely Epaphroditus—to step in and help. This is important. Sometimes, resolving conflict requires someone else to come alongside us, to remind us of what’s true, to point us back to Jesus.

And then Paul reminds them that their “names are in the book of life.” Do you see what he’s doing? He’s shifting their focus. He’s saying, “You’re both citizens of heaven. Your names are written side by side in God’s eternal book. So why are you letting a temporary disagreement pull you apart?”

This is where we have to get honest with ourselves. How often do we let personal conflicts—our pride, our preferences, our need to be right—take center stage? How often do we lose sight of the fact that the person we’re in conflict with is not just another person—they’re a brother or sister in Christ, someone Jesus died for?

When we agree in the Lord, we’re not saying that the disagreement doesn’t matter. We’re saying that Jesus matters more. We’re saying, “I’m choosing humility over pride. I’m choosing reconciliation over division. I’m choosing to love you because Christ has loved me.”

This is how the church stands firm together. We don’t let conflict pull us apart. We don’t let disagreements go unchecked. We come back to Jesus. We fix our eyes on Him, and we let His love and grace define our relationships.

So let me ask you: Is there someone you need to reconcile with? Is there a conversation you’ve been avoiding because it’s hard or uncomfortable? Paul’s words are clear: Agree in the Lord. Don’t let pride or bitterness rob you of the unity Christ has purchased with His blood.

And church, let’s not miss this: When we resolve conflict with humility and grace, when we choose to agree in the Lord, we show the world something profound—we show them the power of Jesus to hold us together when everything else tries to pull us apart.

That’s what it means to stand firm—not just as individuals, but as a church united in Christ.

Practical Steps to Agree in the Lord

So, let’s look at this a little deeper. What does this actually look like? How do we take Paul’s command to “agree in the Lord” and put it into practice so that we can stand firm in the Lord? Because if we’re honest, reconciliation sounds great in theory—but in the middle of a conflict, when emotions are high and pride gets in the way, it’s not easy.

Thankfully, Paul doesn’t leave us without direction. The whole letter to the Philippians has already given us a roadmap for what reconciliation looks like. Let’s break it down into four practical steps to help us “agree in the Lord” when we find ourselves at odds with a brother or sister.

Step 1: Examine Your Heart

Before you ever go to the other person, start with yourself. Paul writes in Philippians 2:3-5, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus.”

The first step in reconciliation is examining your own heart. Ask yourself:

  • What are my motives? Am I trying to win an argument, or am I truly seeking peace?
  • Is pride getting in the way? Am I unwilling to listen or admit my own fault?
  • Am I approaching this with humility? Am I reflecting the mindset of Christ, who humbled Himself for my sake?

⠀Conflict often reveals what’s going on in our hearts. It exposes our pride, our selfishness, and our need to control. But when we take an honest look at ourselves and let the Holy Spirit convict us, we can approach the other person with a spirit of humility instead of defensiveness.

Step 2: Seek Reconciliation Directly

Once you’ve examined your heart, go to the person directly. Jesus gives us this instruction in Matthew 18:15: “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.”

Notice the simplicity here. Jesus doesn’t say, “Talk to everyone else about it first,” or, “Wait until they come to you.” He says, “Go.” Be the one to take the first step.

And as you go, speak the truth in love. Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:15 to confront with both honesty and grace. This means you don’t sweep the conflict under the rug, but you also don’t approach the person with bitterness or harshness. Your goal isn’t to “win”—it’s to restore the relationship.

Here’s a question: What’s stopping you from taking that first step? Is it fear? Is it pride? Jesus reminds us that when we seek reconciliation, we “gain our brother.” The relationship is restored, and the unity of the church is strengthened.

Step 3: Remember Your Shared Mission

Paul reminds Euodia and Syntyche in verse 3 that they have “labored side by side with me in the gospel.” These two women had a shared purpose. They weren’t opponents—they were partners.

The same is true for us. When conflict arises, it’s easy to lose sight of the mission. We get so caught up in our disagreement that we forget we’re on the same team.

But here’s the reality:

  • We’re not just individuals with opinions—we’re brothers and sisters united by the gospel.
  • We’re not working against each other—we’re laboring side by side for the glory of Christ.

⠀When you remember your shared mission, it puts the conflict in perspective. Suddenly, the disagreement that felt so big starts to feel small in light of eternity. The person who seemed like an adversary becomes a partner again.

Ask yourself: Are you letting personal conflict distract you from the mission of the church? Is the gospel still bigger than your disagreement?

Step 4: Keep an Eternal Perspective

Finally, Paul reminds us that Euodia and Syntyche’s “names are in the book of life.” In other words, both women belong to Jesus. They are citizens of heaven (Philippians 3:20), and their eternity is secure.

This changes everything. When you’re in conflict with someone, remember this:

  • That person is not just “someone you’re frustrated with”—they are a child of God.
  • They are not your enemy—they are your brother or sister in Christ.
  • You are both heading for the same future—eternity with Jesus.

⠀An eternal perspective strips conflict of its power. It reminds us that what unites us in Christ is far greater than anything that divides us.

Imagine what happens when we start to see one another this way. Instead of holding grudges, we offer grace. Instead of digging in our heels, we humble ourselves. Instead of letting pride win, we let Christ win.

Bringing It Together

Here’s the truth: Reconciliation is hard. It takes humility. It takes courage. But it’s worth it because it reflects the heart of Jesus.

  • Examine your heart—Let the mindset of Christ shape you.
  • Seek reconciliation directly—Take the first step and speak the truth in love.
  • Remember your shared mission—You’re partners, not opponents.
  • Keep an eternal perspective—You’re both citizens of heaven, and that’s what matters most.

⠀Church, when we do this—when we agree in the Lord and reconcile with one another—we show the world a picture of the gospel. We show them that Jesus really does bring peace, that His grace really does unite us, and that His love is stronger than anything that tries to tear us apart.

Is there someone you need to reconcile with today? Don’t wait. Take the first step. Agree in the Lord.


When you picture a church standing firm, what do you see? Is it a group of individuals, each holding their own ground, isolated and unmoving? Or is it something stronger—brothers and sisters, shoulder to shoulder, feet planted on Christ, pulling together in unity no matter what comes their way?

That’s the picture Paul gives us in Philippians 4:1-3. A church that stands firm isn’t one without disagreements or struggles—it’s one that chooses to root itself in the Lord, to fix its focus on Him, and to pursue reconciliation when conflict threatens to pull people apart.

Standing firm starts with the right mindset: remembering that Christ is our foundation. It continues when we agree in the Lord—when we see one another not as opponents but as fellow citizens of heaven, united by the gospel. And it happens practically when we’re willing to examine our hearts, take the first step toward reconciliation, and keep our eyes on eternity.

Here’s what I want you to take away today: standing firm together is not about ignoring conflict, pretending it doesn’t exist, or just pushing through on your own. It’s about leaning on Christ—together. It’s about refusing to let pride or bitterness shake the unity Jesus bought with His blood.

So let me ask you:

  • Are you standing firm in the Lord today, or have you lost your footing?
  • Is there someone you need to reconcile with so that you can stand strong together?
  • Are you willing to pursue unity in a way that reflects the heart of Christ?

⠀Because when we stand firm together—when we agree in the Lord and let the gospel shape our relationships—we show the world something beautiful. We show them that Jesus really is enough to hold us together. We show them the power of His love to overcome pride, conflict, and division.

So, church, let’s hold the line. Let’s stand firm—not on our opinions, not on our pride, but on Christ. Let’s pursue the kind of unity that makes the world stop and say, “That’s different. That’s real.” Because it is. And it’s all because of Jesus.


God is Coming (Isaiah 66)


Faithfulness (Isaiah 65)