Why We Can’t Find Peace (Philippians 4:4-9)

What comes to mind when you hear the word “peace”? For some, it’s a quiet evening after a long day, or perhaps a moment of solitude in nature. But let’s be honest—how often does life truly feel peaceful? More often than not, it feels like peace is just out of reach. We search for it in our relationships, our jobs, or even in small escapes (Date nights or vacations), but those moments don’t last. The truth is, we often look for peace in all the wrong places. Today, we’re going to explore Philippians 4:4-9, where Paul shows us a better way—a way to find the kind of peace that isn’t tied to circumstances and can’t be taken away. Let’s open our hearts to what God has to say.
Cultivate Joy, Not Happiness
Philippians 4:4 (ESV) — 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.
Have you ever noticed how easily our emotions sway with our circumstances? One moment we’re on top of the world because things are going our way—the bills are paid, the job is steady, and everyone’s getting along. But as soon as a challenge arises, joy evaporates like a puddle under the summer sun. It’s almost as if our happiness is tied to a string, and that string is being yanked around by whatever life decides to throw at us.
Paul understood this tendency. That’s why he doesn’t tell the Philippians to find joy in their circumstances. He says, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice” (Philippians 4:4). Notice the command: rejoice. Joy, according to Paul, isn’t something that just happens to us when everything is going well. It’s a discipline—a choice. But here’s the key: it’s not a choice to “just be happy” or to fake positivity. It’s a choice to find joy in the Lord.
What does it mean to rejoice in the Lord? It means we anchor our joy in something unshakable—God’s character and promises. Think about it: God’s love for us doesn’t change when our circumstances do. His faithfulness doesn’t waver when we face uncertainty. Rejoicing in the Lord is about grounding our hearts in these unchanging truths, rather than in the rollercoaster of life’s ups and downs.
Let me paint a picture. Imagine you’re in the middle of a chaotic workday. Work is piling up, requests are flooding in, and there’s that one coworker who just knows how to push your buttons. Yet, in the midst of all that noise, you pause. You take a deep breath and remind yourself: God is in control. He’s given me this day, and He’s walking with me through it. That pause isn’t just a coping mechanism—it’s an act of rejoicing in the Lord. You’re choosing to let His steady presence shape your response to the chaos.
Paul doesn’t just suggest this; he insists on it: “Again I will say, rejoice.” Why repeat himself? Because he knows we need the reminder. Life has a way of pulling our focus away from the Lord and back onto our circumstances. But joy—real joy—comes when we refuse to let life dictate our outlook and instead anchor our hearts in Christ.
So let me ask you: What’s anchoring your joy? Is it your job? Your health? Your relationships? All of those things are good gifts, but they’re not stable anchors. They shift and change. Only God’s character and promises are unchanging. If you want to know why you cannot find peace, understand what you are anchoring your joy in and change it. Start each day by reminding yourself of who God is. Write it down. Pray it back to Him. Let it frame the way you see everything else that day. Because when your joy is anchored in the Lord, it can’t be shaken by the storms of life.
Practice Gentleness in All Relationships
Philippians 4:5 (ESV) — 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand;
But joy isn’t just something we hold onto for ourselves. When our hearts are anchored in Christ, it transforms the way we interact with others. Let’s be honest: when life gets tough, our frustrations often spill out onto the people around us. We snap, we argue, or we let our stress dictate our tone. Yet Paul’s next instruction is striking: “Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand” (Philippians 4:5).
That word “reasonableness” might sound a little abstract, but the Greek word Paul uses, epieikēs, paints a clear picture. It's not about your ability to reason. It’s about gentleness, graciousness, and a willingness to yield for the sake of peace and reconciliation. It’s the kind of attitude that says, “I’m not going to insist on my way if it costs us harmony.” It’s the opposite of harshness or stubbornness.
Think about what Paul is asking here. He’s not just saying, “Be nice.” He’s calling us to live in a way that reflects God’s nearness. “The Lord is at hand,” he says. That’s the foundation. When we remember that God is near—both in His presence and in His eventual return—it changes how we see every interaction. The little arguments and frustrations don’t seem so important when we’re mindful of God’s eternal purposes.
Let me give you a picture. Imagine a parent helping a child with homework. The child is frustrated, maybe even acting out, but the parent stays calm, guiding them gently and patiently. Why? Because the parent’s goal isn’t just to finish the homework—it’s to nurture the relationship. That’s what gentleness looks like in our relationships. It’s a choice to prioritize people over pride, harmony over being right.
So, how do we practice this kind of gentleness? Start small. The next time someone frustrates you, pause. Take a breath. Remind yourself, “The Lord is at hand.” Let His presence guide your response. Maybe it’s choosing not to snap back at a rude comment. Maybe it’s listening when you’d rather argue. Whatever it looks like, let your gentleness be a testimony to the God who is near.
If you don't have peace in your life, consider your attitude toward others. What do your relationships reveal about your faith? Do they show a gentle heart anchored in Christ, or do they reflect a harshness, bitterness, and selfishness like those who live in dark? Those who live in the dark and conduct themselves this way have no peace. This week, let’s make it our goal to show gentleness to everyone we meet. Because when we remember that the Lord is at hand, it changes everything and it brings us peace.
Replace Anxiety with Trust Through Prayer
Philippians 4:6–7 (ESV) — 6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Now let’s talk about something that robs many of us of peace—anxiety. We all feel it, don’t we? The racing thoughts, the restless nights, the constant undercurrent of worry about what might happen. It’s exhausting, isn’t it? But Paul gives us a better way. He writes, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6).
Notice Paul’s words: “Do not be anxious about anything.” He’s not saying, “Try really hard not to worry.” He’s giving us a practical alternative to anxiety—prayer. Instead of letting our minds spiral into worry, Paul invites us to bring everything to God. Not just the big things, but everything. The small worries, the daily stresses, the things we feel silly for fretting over. He says, “Let your requests be made known to God.”
But there’s something else Paul includes here: thanksgiving. Why thanksgiving? Because it shifts our focus. When we thank God in the midst of our prayers, we’re reminded of His faithfulness. We start to see not just the problem in front of us, but the countless ways God has provided for us in the past. Thanksgiving builds trust. And trust is the antidote to anxiety.
Let me give you a picture. Imagine you’re stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire. You’re overwhelmed and unsure what to do. Then a kind stranger pulls over—someone clearly experienced and prepared to help. They fix the tire with ease while you step back in relief. Prayer is like that. It’s stepping aside and letting God take over what you can’t handle.
Consider how children live their lives. They’re not burdened by the things we adults often worry about. They don’t lose sleep over mortgages or health insurance. Why? Because they know someone else—their parents—is taking care of it. They trust, often without even thinking about it, that their needs will be met. That’s the kind of dependence God invites us into. He’s asking us to let go of our anxieties and trust Him to provide, just as children trust their parents.
So how do we replace anxiety with trust? Start by identifying what’s worrying you. Name it. Then, bring it to God in prayer. Be honest about what you’re feeling, and thank Him for the ways He’s already working in your life. Finally, leave it with Him. Trust that the same God who’s been faithful before will be faithful again.
Let me ask you: What are you holding onto that you need to hand over to God? What’s weighing you down that you need to surrender in prayer? Because here’s the promise: when we let go of anxiety and turn to God, “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7). That’s the kind of peace that changes everything.
Transform Your Mindset
Philippians 4:8 (ESV) — 8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
The final step on the path to peace is found in verse 8: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”
Here’s the truth: what you focus on shapes your life. Paul is calling us to a mindset shift. Instead of letting our thoughts dwell on negativity, fear, or distractions, he’s urging us to focus intentionally on what is good and godly. This is about being proactive, not passive, in how we manage our minds.
Paul’s list in Philippians 4:8 directs us to focus on what reflects God’s character and aligns with His will. To think about what is true means grounding your thoughts in God’s Word and rejecting lies or distortions that pull you away from Him. What is honorable calls us to dwell on things that are noble and worthy of respect—qualities that inspire reverence rather than triviality. When Paul speaks of what is just, he is pointing us toward fairness, righteousness, and actions that align with God’s justice. To think about what is pure is to avoid corruption and instead fix your mind on holiness and moral integrity.
What is lovely refers to things that inspire love and admiration, like acts of kindness or the beauty of God’s creation. When Paul mentions what is commendable, he’s calling us to think on things that are well-spoken of—positive, uplifting, and virtuous. The emphasis on excellence and what is worthy of praise encourages us to consider what is of higher quality and value, rather than being content with something base or lacking in value. Paul is not just giving a checklist but painting a picture of a thought life that reflects the goodness and glory of God. By focusing on these things, we are training our minds to find peace in God’s truth and to reject the chaos of the world. He wants us to be so focused on these good things that the anxieties have no place in our lives.
Think about how a garden works. If you leave it untended, weeds will overtake it. But if you cultivate it, planting good seeds and removing the weeds, it will thrive. Your mind is the same way. If you let it run on autopilot, it will fill with whatever the world throws at it—worry, doubt, anger. But if you choose to dwell on what is true and good, it will transform the way you see the world and experience peace.
So what does this look like practically? It means being intentional about what you consume and reflect on. Throughout your day, think about what you’re allowing into your mind. Are the books you’re reading, the shows you’re watching, and the conversations you’re having leading you closer to God or pulling you further into worry, doubt, or negativity? Take inventory of your thoughts when challenges arise. Instead of letting them spiral, actively direct them toward what is good. For example, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, remind yourself of a Scripture that speaks to God’s faithfulness. When tempted to dwell on an offense, choose instead to focus on how you’ve experienced God’s forgiveness. Taking every thought captive, pausing and intentionally replacing the lies and fears with truths from God’s Word. By doing this, you’re training your mind to seek out and stay grounded in God’s peace. When you catch yourself spiraling into fear or self-criticism, stop and ask: 1. How much of this is actually true? and 2. What does God say about this?
If you do not have peace, and you are struggling to maintain peace in your life, you should ask yourself, "What do I habitually think about?" We have to burn new neural pathways in our minds.
Here’s the challenge: This week, intentionally choose one thing each day to reflect on that draws your heart closer to God. Maybe it’s a Scripture, a song of praise, or an act of kindness you’ve seen or done. Let your mind dwell there. Because when your mind is transformed by God’s truth, His peace follows. And that’s a peace the world can’t take away.
Put It All Into Practice
Philippians 4:9 (ESV) — 9 What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
Paul concludes this section with a call to action: “What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you” (Philippians 4:9). The focus here is clear—don’t just think about these principles, live them out. True peace comes not only from knowing God’s truth but from putting it into practice daily.
The word “practice” implies intentionality and repetition. It’s not about getting it perfect the first time; it’s about committing to a process of growth. Think of it like learning a new skill. A musician doesn’t master an instrument overnight. They practice, day after day, until their hands instinctively know the movements. In the same way, we need to train our hearts and minds to live out what Paul teaches in this passage.
But what exactly does Paul mean when he says, “What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me”? He’s pointing to the example he set for the Philippians—a life rooted in joy, gentleness, prayer, and a transformed mindset. Paul isn’t calling us to perfection; he’s calling us to faithfulness. He wants us to take what we know about God and His promises and let it shape every part of our lives.
Paul is encouraging us to not just be hearers. Christianity is not a spectator sport. It's not a passive relationship. We aren't supposed to sit back watch others struggle against the desires of the flesh and the worldly thoughts while we give in on a regular basis. This is a spiritual battle we are supposed to be actively engaged in. Throughout the Bible, those who failed to hear and do what was taught were condemned. We must repent. We must be transformed. We must have a life rooted in the joy found in Christ. We must be gentle and lowly in our relationships like Christ. We must overcome the anxious ways of the world with prayer. We must flood our minds with good, honorable, and righteous thoughts. We must be the lights he has saved us to be.
So, what does practicing these things look like? It means making a conscious effort to rejoice in the Lord even when life is hard. It means choosing gentleness in your relationships, trusting God in prayer, and intentionally fixing your mind on what is good and true. And when you fail, it means getting back up and trying again, trusting that God’s grace is sufficient.
At the end we have a wonderful promise: When you practice these things, “the God of peace will be with you.” This isn’t just a fleeting sense of calm—it’s the presence of God Himself, walking with you through every joy and challenge. His peace isn’t something you find; it’s something He gives when you align your life with His truth.
What’s one step you can take today to practice these principles? Maybe it’s choosing gratitude instead of complaint. Maybe it’s showing kindness to someone who frustrates you. Maybe it’s taking time to pray over a worry instead of dwelling on it. Whatever it is, take that step and trust that the God of peace will meet you there.
Do you have the peace that comes by being a part of Christ's church, the group of saved people? In order to receive that peace, you must repent of the old ways and pledge to him your life. Then, upon receiving forgiveness of sins in baptism, you must fulfill your pledge.